We are Rabbit Control Experts

We will assess your Rabbit Problem and recommend a proven formula to deal with it.
We are able to carry out the entire Program from Poisoning to Harbour Destruction and Fumigation. Free quotes are given.
If you need Poison Bait for your Rabbit problem then we can help. We are Licensed to Manufacture Perishable 1080 Baits.
Free-Feed carrots and 1080 Poison Carrot Bait can be purchased by Authorised Persons with 1080 endorsed Agricultural Chemical User Permit.
All 1080 Products must be used in accordance with the 'Directions for Use’.
Pindone Poison Carrot Bait is also available for those areas close to Residences. Pindone has been designed for use in urban areas and is ideal where there is a danger to Domestic Dogs. Being an S6 Poison you do not require an Agricultural Chemical User Permit to purchase or use this product.
At South West Vermin and Weed Control we endorse ‘Integrated Control methods for effective Rabbit control’.